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STRÜKTÜR is a Berlin-based association dedicated to forming and expanding the support structures for arts & artists from the geography of Turkey. Its mission lies at the heart of the collective production of migratory and diasporic knowledge and the creation of trans-communal exchange. Through residencies, publications, workshops, and public programs; STRÜKTÜR aims to root, grow, and disperse artistic research and diasporic thinking transcending borders, communities, and generations.

STRÜKTÜR is delighted to announce Onur Hamilton Karaoğlu as the first artist-in-residence for its Artistic Research Residency, in partnership with ABA Air Berlin Alexanderplatz from October 1st to December 1st 2024.

Founded by
Bengisu Çağlayan
Gözde Gazioğlu (Chair, Board Member)
Yelta Köm
Hatice Marx (Board Member)
Tuna Ortaylı Kazıcı (Treasurer, Board Member)
Vivien Tauchmann
Alper Turan
Prof. Dr. Füsun Türetken (Chair, Board Member)

Instagram  @struektuer